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Dictionnaire historique et critique: Par Monsieur BAYLE. Seconde Edition, Revuë, corrigée & augmentée par l'auteur

Bayle, Pierre (1702-1702): Dictionnaire historique et critique: Par Monsieur BAYLE. Seconde Edition, Revuë, corrigée & augmentée par l'auteur. 3 vols, 2nd ed., vol. 1: [II], XVIII, [8], 1096, 7, XVI p.; vol. 2: p. 1097-2170, XVI p.; vol. 3: p. 2171-3190, [90] p., Rotterdam. vol. 1-3: illustration on the title page, folio,

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Title: Dictionnaire historique et critique: Par Monsieur BAYLE. Seconde Edition, Revuë, corrigée & augmentée par l'auteur
Paramount title: Bayle Dictionnaire Historique
Bayle, Pierre
Publisher: Reinier Leers
Place of Publication: Rotterdam
Edition: 2nd ed.
Volumes: 3 vols
Format: folio
Number of pages: vol. 1: [II], XVIII, [8], 1096, 7, XVI p.; vol. 2: p. 1097-2170, XVI p.; vol. 3: p. 2171-3190, [90] p.
illustrations: vol. 1-3: illustration on the title page
Language: French
Translated from: -
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Later translated into
full or partial translations: Bayle, Pierre (1710-1710): An historical and critical dictionary. By Monsieur Bayle. Translated into English, with many additions and corrections, made by the author himself, that are not in the French editions. 4 vols, 1st ed., vol. 1: [XXVII], 800 p.; vol. 2: p. 801-1550; vol. 3: p. 1551-2434; vol. 4: p. 2439-3108, XCIV, [LVI] p., London. vol. 1-4: illustration on the title page; vol. 1: illustration on p. [I], folio, ["lib/metafield:join_itemref" not defined] Bayle, Pierre and Desmaiseaux, Pierre (1734-1738): The dictionary historical and critical of Mr. Peter Bayle. The second edition, carefully collated with the several Editions of the Original; in which many Passages are restored, and the whole greatly augmented, particularly with a Translation of the Quotations from eminent Writers in various Languages. To which is prefixed, the life of the author, revised, corrected, and enlarged, by Mr Des Maizeaux, fellow of the Royal Society. 5 vols, 2nd ed., revised and enlarged, vol. 1: [VIII], 17, CXXVIII, 803 p.; vol. 2: 880 p.; vol. 3: 972 p.; vol. 4: 944 p.; vol. 5. 872, 143 p., London. vol. 1: frontispiece [showing Pierre Bayle], folio, ["lib/metafield:join_itemref" not defined] Bernard, John Peter and Birch, Thomas and Lockman, John and Bayle, Pierre (1734-1741): A general dictionary, historical and critical: In which a new and accurate translation of that of the celebrated Mr. Bayle, with the corrections and observations printed in the late edition at Paris, is included; and interspersed with several thousand lives never before published. The whole containing the history of the most illustrious persons of all ages and nations, particularly those of Great Britain and Ireland, distinguished by their rank, actions, learning and other accomplishments. With reflections on such passages of Mr. Bayle, as seem to favour scepticism and the Manichee System. By the Reverend Mr. John Peter Bernard; the Reverend Mr. Thomas Birch; Mr. John Lockman; and other hands. And the articles relating to Oriental history by George Sale, Gent. London. Printed by James Bettenham, for G. Strahan, J. Clarke, T. Hatchet in Cornhill; J. Gray in the Poultry; J. Batley in Pater-Noster-Row; T. Worrall, J. Shuckburgh in Fleetstreet; J. Wilcox, A. Millar, C. Corbet in the Strand; T. Osborne in Grays-Inn; J. Brindley in New Bond-Street; and C. Ward and R. Chandler at the Ship between the Temple Gates in Fleetstreet, and sold at their shop in Scarborough. MDCCXXXIV. 10 vol, 1st ed., vol. 1: [X], 712 p.; vol. 2: [I], 718 p.; vol. 3: [I], 724 p.; vol. 4: [I], 715 p.; vol. 5: [I], 716 p.; vol. 6: [I], 716 p.; vol. 7: [I], 828 p.; vol. 8: [I], 832 p.; vol. 9: [I], 716 p.; vol. 10: [I], 588, [242] p., London. folio,
Prefaces: vol. 1: Bayle, Pierre: Préface de la première édition (p. I-XII, 2nd count), Avertissements sur la seconde édition (p. XIII-XVIII, 2nd count)
Other paratexts: vol. 1: Privilegie (p. [I-II], 1st count; in Dutch), Liste alphabétique des articles de ce Dictionaire ( p. [1-8], 3rd count), David (p. 1-7, 5th count), Errata du I. volume. (p. I-XVI, 6th count); vol. 2: Errata du II. volume. (p. I-XVI, 2nd count); vol. 3: Dissertation concernant le livre d'Etienne Junius Brutus, imprimé l'an 1579. (3087-3096), Dissertation sur les libelles diffamatoires [...] (p. 3096-3112), Dissertation sur l'Hippomanes. (p. 3112-3118), Dissertation sur le jour. (p. 3118-3125), Dissertation qui fut imprimée au devant de quelques essais ou fragmens de cet ouvrage l'an 1692. Sous le titre de Projet d'un Dictionaire critique, à Mr. du Rondel, Professeur aux belles lettres à Maestricht. (p. 3125-3135), Eclaircissemens sur certaines choses repandues dans ce dictionaire, & qui peuvent être réduites à quatre chefs généraux [...] (p. 3136-3177), Supplément aux additions & aux corrections du I. tome. (p. 3178), Supplément aux additions & aux corrections du II. tome. (p. 3178), Errata du III. volume. (p. 3178-3190), Table du Dictionaire historique et critique. (last 90 pages)
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