Collignon, Catharine and Ladvocat, Jean-Baptiste
An historical and biographical dictionary, containing an account of the Hebrew Patriarchs and Princes, of Emperors, Kings, and Great Captains, of the Gods and Heroes of Pagan Antiquity, of the Popes, Holy Fathers, celebrated Bishops, and Cardinals; also Historians, Poets, Orators, Divines, Lawyers, Physicians, &c. with their principal works, and the best editions of them; learned Women, Painters, &c. and all persons in general who have been illustrious, or famous, in any age or nation: Pointing out whatever is most remarkable, and most interesting, in sacred or in profane history. Translated from the French of Monsieur the Abbe Ladvocat, by Catharine Collignon.
4 vols,
1st ed.,
vol. 1: [II p.], 435 p.
vol. 2: 467 p.
vol. 3: 576 p.
vol. 4: 406 p.,
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Item Type: |
Title: |
An historical and biographical dictionary, containing an account of the Hebrew Patriarchs and Princes, of Emperors, Kings, and Great Captains, of the Gods and Heroes of Pagan Antiquity, of the Popes, Holy Fathers, celebrated Bishops, and Cardinals; also Historians, Poets, Orators, Divines, Lawyers, Physicians, &c. with their principal works, and the best editions of them; learned Women, Painters, &c. and all persons in general who have been illustrious, or famous, in any age or nation: Pointing out whatever is most remarkable, and most interesting, in sacred or in profane history. Translated from the French of Monsieur the Abbe Ladvocat, by Catharine Collignon |
Paramount title: |
Ladvocat Dictionnaire historique-portatif |
Authors: |
Creators |
Collignon, Catharine | Ladvocat, Jean-Baptiste |
Publisher: |
printed by John Burges Printer to the University; and to be had of the translator, and of W. Page |
Place of Publication: |
Cambridge |
Edition: |
1st ed. |
Year: |
Volumes: |
4 vols |
Format: |
8° |
Number of pages: |
vol. 1: [II p.], 435 p.
vol. 2: 467 p.
vol. 3: 576 p.
vol. 4: 406 p. |
illustrations: |
- |
Language: |
English |
Translation/Adaption of: |
Ladvocat, Jean-Baptiste
Dictionnaire historique-portatif, Contenant l’Histoire des patriarches, des princes hébreux, des empereurs, des rois, et des grands capitaines; des dieux, des héros de l’antiquité payenne, &c. Des papes, des SS. Pères, des eveques et des cardinaux célèbres; Des Historiens, Poétes, Grammairiens, Orateurs, Théologiens, Jurisconsultes, Médecins, Philosophes & Mathémathiciens, &c. Avec leurs principaux Ouvrages & les meilleures Editions; des Femmes savantes, des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Graveurs, des Inventeurs des Arts, & généralement de toutes les Personnes illustres ou fameuses de tous les Siécles & de toutes les Nations du Monde. Dans lequel On indique ce qu’il y a de plus cureiux & de plus intéressant dans l’Histoire sacrée & profane. Ouvrage utlie pour l’intelligence de l’Histoire ancienne & moderne, & pour la connoissance des Ecrits & des Actions des Grands-Hommes & des Personnes illustres.
2 vols,
1st ed.,
vol. 1: VII p., [1], 507 p., [1], 78 p., [6];
vol. 2: 700-[2] p.),
Translated from: |
French |
Translated by: |
Translated by |
Collignon, Catharine |
Prefaces: |
vol. 1: [The translator:] Preface (p. II) |
Dedications: |
- |
Other paratexts: |
- |
Digitized copies: |
Gale, Eighteenth Century Collections Online |
URI: | |
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