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The Geographical and Historical Dictionary of America and the West Indies. Containing an Entire Translation of The Spanish Work of Colonel Don Antonio de Alcedo, Captain of the Royal Spanish Guards, and Member of the Royal Academy of History. With Large Additions and Compilations from Modern Voyages and Travels and from Original and Authentic Information. By G.A. Thompson, ESQ. In Five Volumes.

Thompson, George Alexander and Alcedo, Antonio de (1812-1815): The Geographical and Historical Dictionary of America and the West Indies. Containing an Entire Translation of The Spanish Work of Colonel Don Antonio de Alcedo, Captain of the Royal Spanish Guards, and Member of the Royal Academy of History. With Large Additions and Compilations from Modern Voyages and Travels and from Original and Authentic Information. By G.A. Thompson, ESQ. In Five Volumes. 5 vols, 1st ed., vol. 1: XX, XL, 574, [2] p.; vol. 2: [2], 597, [3] p.; vol 3: [2], 512 p; vol 4: [2], 636 p.; vol 5: [4], 462, [2], 105, [3] p., [1] folded leaf (p. *271), London. -, 4°,

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Item Type: Dataset
Title: The Geographical and Historical Dictionary of America and the West Indies. Containing an Entire Translation of The Spanish Work of Colonel Don Antonio de Alcedo, Captain of the Royal Spanish Guards, and Member of the Royal Academy of History. With Large Additions and Compilations from Modern Voyages and Travels and from Original and Authentic Information. By G.A. Thompson, ESQ. In Five Volumes.
Paramount title: Alcedo Diccionario geográfico
Thompson, George Alexander
Alcedo, Antonio de
Publisher: Printed for James Carpenter, Old Bond-Street; Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Paternoster-Row; White, Cochrane, and co. and Murray, Fleet-Street, London; Parker, Oxford; and Deighton. Cambridge.
Place of Publication: London
Edition: 1st ed.
Volumes: 5 vols
Number of pages: vol. 1: XX, XL, 574, [2] p.; vol. 2: [2], 597, [3] p.; vol 3: [2], 512 p; vol 4: [2], 636 p.; vol 5: [4], 462, [2], 105, [3] p., [1] folded leaf (p. *271)
illustrations: -
Language: English
Translation/Adaption of: Alcedo, Antonio de (1786-1789): Diccionario Geográfico-Histórico De Las Indias Occidentales Ó América : Es Á Saber: De Los Reynos Del Perú, Nueva España, Tierra-Firme, Chile, y Nuevo Reyno de Granada. Con La descripcion de sus Provincias, Naciones, Ciudades, Villas, Pueblos, Rios, Montes, Costas, Puertos, Islas, Arzobispados, Obispados, Audiencias, Vireynatos, Gobiernos, Corregimientos, y Fortalezas, frutos y producciones; con expresion de sus Descubridores, Conquistadores y Fundadores: Conventos y Religiones: ereccion de sus Catedrales y Obispos que ha habido en ellas: Y Noticia de los sucesos mas notables de varios lugares : incendios, terremotos, sitios, é invasiones que han experimentado: y hombres ilustres que han producido. Escrito por el Coronel Don Antonio de Alcedo, Capitan de Reales Guardias Españolas. 5 vols, 1st ed., vol. 1: XVI, 786 p.; vol. 2: 636 p.; vol. 3: 496 p.; vol. 4: 609 p.; vol. 5: 461 p., 8 p., 186 p., Madrid. -, 8°,
Translated from: Spanish
Translated by:
Translated by
Thompson, George Alexander
Prefaces: vol. 1: Translator's advertisement. (p. [VII]-VIII, 1st count), Alcedo's preface. (p. [X]-XII, 1st count), Preface. (p. [VII]-XL, 2nd count)
Dedications: vol. 1: To the right honourable Nicholas Vansittart, Chancellor of the exchequer, &c. &c. (p. [5]-6, right after the title-page), Alcedo's dedication. To his Royal Highness the Prince of Spain. (p. [IX])
Other paratexts: vol. 1: Table of contents of the introductory matter. (p. [VII], 1st count); Alcedo's additions and corrections stated. (p. XII), List of Alcedo's subscribers. (p. [XIII]-XV, 1st count), A general table of the kingdoms and provinces into which Spanish America is divided, and of the Viceroyalties, governments, corregimientos, and alcadias mayores established in them. (p. [XVI]-XIX, 1st count), A general table of the British dominions and governments in North America and the West Indies. (p. XIX, 1st count), Portuguese Dominions. (p. XX, 1st count), Independent. (p. XX, 1st count), A general table of the Republic of North America, or the United States, and territorial governments. (p. XX, 1st count); vol. 4: Appendix to Surinam. (p. 636); vol. 5: Supplement. (p. [459]-462, 2nd count), Errata (p. [1], 3rd count), General Appendix to Thompson's Alcedo, or Geographical and Historical Dictionary of America and the West Indies; forming a vocabulary of provincial and Spanish terms, and a compendious natural history of that hemisphere. (p. [1]-105, 4th count); Bookseller's advertisements: vol. 1, p. [1-2], 4th count; vol. 2, p. [2-3], 3rd count; vol 5, p.[2-3], 5th count
Digitized copies: Internet Archive

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